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Personal, Training and development, Mountain Training Lowland Leader Assessment

Mountain Training Lowland Leader Assessment
At Gateway Adventure we are passionate about the great outdoors and enthusiastically strive to convey this ethos to our clients. As well as the physical and mental health benefits and stimulus that adventurous activities provide, they also allow individuals to develop confidence, useful life skills and an appetite for challenge.

Gateway Adventure can deliver a wide variety of activities, whether they are land or water based. These can range from walking to climbing, kayaking to raft building or archery to bushcraft as well as many other associated outdoor skills. Whatever activity you choose to take part in you’ll have chance to develop your personal skills and gain confidence in your abilities enabling you to venture out with friends or family or even on your own.

Mountain Training Lowland Leader Assessment

Prospective candidates wishing to undertake this Mountain Training Lowland Leader Assessment course must arrive prepared, familiar with all aspects of the syllabus and must demonstrate competence in the following areas:
• Leadership Skills & Group Management
• Walking Skills
• Planning a Walk
• Basic Map Work and Route-Finding Skills
• Equipment
• Hazards and Emergency Procedures
• Environmental Awareness, Conservation, Access & Land Ownership

A further (newly launched) Mountain Training Camping Leader qualification is available for those who wish to lead and supervise overnight camping which also conveniently expands the scope of this leadership qualification. If you be interested in this “stand alone” qualification, please refer to the Camping Leader course handbook which can be found at

Should you be interested in attending one of our Mountain Training Camping Leader Assessment courses please email for more information.

Consolidation Period

Consolidation period is the period between training and assessment, candidates are expected to gain personal experience walking in low level areas. Every opportunity should be taken to practise the skills learned during training. All but the most experienced candidates should allow a minimum of six months between training and assessment.

Prior to Attendance

Before booking onto a Lowland Leader Assessment Course, candidates must make sure that they meet the following:

• Be at least 18 years old
• Have attended a Lowland Leader training course (or have been granted exemption)
• Familiar with all the syllabus
• Logged a minimum of 20 walks in lowland countryside in different types of terrain (woodland, coastal, farmland etc)
• You must have physically attended and completed a first aid course which involving at least two full days or sixteen hours of instruction and included an element of assessment (On-line courses do not count)


Although our courses are advertised as non-residential, we have found that some people travel some distance to attend our courses. At Gateway Adventure, we try to accommodate as many people as we can and are aware that individual lifestyles and circumstances can vary a great deal. Therefore, we offer accommodation to all attendees. Thus, giving individuals the opportunity of accommodation the night before, during and even after their course. All you need to do is let us know at the booking stage and we will add the relevant accommodation fees onto your course fee.

Please see below the list of current Course Dates and venues:


Location: Ashdown Forest

Dates & Venue:
21 - 22 Jun 25 - Blackland Farm Activity Centre

Location: Black Mountains

Dates & Venue:

Location: Clee Hills

Dates & Venue:

Location: Dartmoor

Dates & Venue:

Location: Epping Forest

Dates & Venue:

Location: Forest of Dean

Dates & Venue:

Location: Kinver Edge

Dates & Venue:

Location: Long Mynd

Dates & Venue:

Location: New Forest

Dates & Venue:

Location: South Downs

Dates & Venue:

Location: Surrey Hills

Dates & Venue:
08 - 09 May 25 - Bentley Copse Scout Camp

Location: Wyre Forest

Dates & Venue:

If you find that the above advertised dates and locations aren't convenient for you. Or, if you have a specific date or venue in mind, please do not hesitate to contact us. Gateway Adventure would be happy to discuss your requirements.

Course Duration

Candidates must have a minimum of 16 hours of course contact time which is delivered in a 2-day programme.

Course Size

Minimum number of candidates = 2 (This is a temporary change)
Maximum number of candidates = 8

Staffing Ratio

Maximum staffing ratio is 1 instructor to 4 participants.


Non-Residential = £170.00
Residential costs are venue dependant (See Accommodation section above)

Course Bookings

Please note, Mountain Training stipulates that all booking for any Mountain Training Course must be completed with names entered onto the course list, at least 5 days prior to the course commencement. Bookings under 5 days will not be allowed to be placed!

We look forward to hearing from you…


Mountain Training Lowland Leader Candidate Handbook
Mountain Training Lowland Leader Skills Checklist
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