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Personal, Training and development, Mountain Training

Mountain Training
Here at Gateway Adventure, we are extremely proud to have been granted providership for a selection of Mountain Training Skills Courses and Leadership Awards.

Mountain Training is the network of awarding organisations for skills courses and qualifications in walking, climbing and mountaineering that operates across the UK and Republic of Ireland. We set the standards for leadership, instructing and coaching qualifications, and skills training courses.

On a day to day basis, Mountain Training is run by a small staff team based in North Wales, Aviemore, Manchester and Dublin. Their volunteers and trustees help to steer Mountain Training at a strategic level and our councils of members include representatives from across the outdoor and educational sector. These volunteers and partner organisations are crucial to everything they do.


In 1964 the Mountain Leader Training Board, or MLTB, was formed by the British Mountaineering Council and the Central Council for Physical Recreation. The intention was to establish standards of training and assessment in the competence to lead others in the mountains: the Mountain Leadership Certificate (the MLC), as it was known, was born.

Over the following years the Mountain Leader Training Board took on a leading role in the delivery of the Single Pitch Award (SPA) and helped to develop the Walking Group Leader Award (WGL). In January 2003 the organisation changed its name to Mountain Leader Training England (MLTE) to reflect its client base.

Since then, the organisation has helped to launch the Climbing Wall Award and the Climbing Wall Leading Award (now Climbing Wall Instructor and Climbing Wall Development Instructor). The main purposes of Mountain Training England are to register and advise candidates for the awards it delivers; approve and manage suitably qualified and experienced Providers for its courses and to ensure the quality of delivery of training and assessment courses.

In 2012 the organisation became Mountain Training England (MTE) as it changed its name and logo in conjunction with all the UK Mountain Training organisations, with whom it continues to work to ensure harmonisation of delivery across the UK and Ireland.

Mountain Training England has published its Strategic Development Plan 2021-2025, which outlines its work over the next five years. The plan describes five themes: 1. The Training Pathway 2. Quality Provision 3. Sustainable Delivery 4. Supporting Diversity 5. Promoting our Mission. We’ve begun with a partnership research piece Your Movement Matters. This research is designed to give baseline figures on participation and will help us tailor our approach. This project results will be published soon. Another example of implementation is the new Skills & Training Fund, supporting new and future leaders from ethnically diverse backgrounds.


Mountain Training qualifications are designed to train and assess people to lead, coach or instruct others in walking, climbing, and mountaineering. From assisting at an indoor climbing wall to leading people in the mountains and teaching winter climbing, the individuals who have gained our qualifications learn, lead, and inspire people through these activities.

Vision: A diverse and active outdoor society, supported by inspirational leaders, instructors, and coaches.

Mission: To inspire, enable and develop people in walking, climbing, and mountaineering through the provision of nationally and internationally recognised skills training and leadership courses.

Ethos: Our values define how we approach our work. These values influence what we are trying to achieve and how we expect our qualification holders to operate.


Due to the nature and the environment in which the course is being delivered, Gateway Adventure would like to draw you attention to the following statement:

“Hill walking and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions and involvement.” The British Mountaineering Council


We believe that an equitable, diverse and inclusive adventure activity sector is better for everyone.

We want as wide a range of people as possible to benefit from our skills courses in a safe, accessible and supportive environment. This may involve supporting closed courses that provide a safe space for people with certain characteristics or offering financial support to reduce at least one of the common barriers to attendance.

We recognise that the diversity of our qualification holders does not reflect the diversity of those taking part in walking and climbing activities and we want to encourage and support those who are currently underrepresented to pursue and achieve our qualifications.
We want our courses to be safe learning environments for all. We work with our providers to raise their awareness of bias and help them to deliver courses free from discrimination and prejudice.

The demographics of our small staff team and our management boards do not reflect the full diversity of the overall population of the UK and Ireland. We advertise our opportunities widely and welcome applications from all. We are also committed to identifying our blind spots and addressing any unconscious bias that may affect decision making.

We will continue to educate ourselves, learn from our mistakes and accept criticism and advice from people with different lived experiences.

The above statements relate to the protected characteristics of age, ability, gender, disability, race, parental or marital status, religion or belief or sexual orientation, though this list is not exhaustive.


To ensure candidates have unimpeded access and equal opportunities to attend Mountain Training Leadership Courses. Mountain Training along with Gateway Adventure aims to ensure that qualifications are accessible to all individuals capable of demonstrating their leadership competence.

If Gateway Adventure believes that a candidate requires a special requirement which is not listed and has the potential to make a competent leader but needs a reasonable adjustment to be able to access courses, then Gateway Adventure will approach Mountain Training for guidance.

A list of examples where Reasonable Adjustments can be made for candidates are as follows:

• Moderate hearing impairment
• Moderate visual impairment
• Physical disabilities (including restricted mobility)
• Dyslexia

For Further guidance please refer to the following links below:

For guidance regarding additional needs please visit:
The Mountain Training YouTube Channel

For guidance on reasonable adjustments please visit:
The Mountain Training YouTube Channel

Do not hesitate to contact us should you require to discuss anything regarding this subject.


Assessments can be a stressful time for many candidates. Therefore, Gateway Adventure tries its best to elevate any worries or concerns you may have. The assessment will involve at least sixteen hours contact time over the two days..

Possible Results: Pass, Defer (Practical), Defer (First Aid), Fail, Not yet completed, Withdrew and Did not show.

Candidates are reminded that there is no exemption from any element of the assessment. Practical reassessments cannot take place within three months of the initial assessment to allow sufficient time for practice and preparation. All deferral reassessments must be completed within five years of the original assessment. Candidates may undertake two short reassessments after a defer result. Subsequently a full assessment must be undertaken.


Since its formation, Mountain Training has employed several strategies to maintain a sustainable delivery for the organisation and its members. This is done using digital meetings, workshops, and presentations.

Mountain Training along with Gateway Adventure are working together, in partnership, towards achieving a common goal of reducing our carbon footprint when delivering our courses. For this reason, we encourage our clients to car share or use public transport wherever practically possible.

The BMC offers a few general ideas at:
Sustainable Steps including a Sustainable Transport Policy.


To assist with the process of using the Mountain Training Candidate Management System (CMS), from registration to the use of Dlog (Digital Logbook) as well as other useful videos, Mountain training have their own dedicated YouTube channel. Please feel free to visit via the link below:

Click here to go to the Mountain Training YouTube Channel

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